Saturday, July 01, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Hi it's been quite a while I put forth a post on this blogsite. I am truly sorry. I had got involved in the build up of another blogsite. And boy does it rock! you check it out your self. It is Unilagfaces. Feel free to step in there and I gaurantee, you will keep coming back. WANNA BET?!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I just set up a new blogsite. It' s about blogging and making money through it.
Top 10 ways to maximize your Adsense earnings
Here are my top 10 ways to maximize your Google Adsense earnings.
1. Use text ads only. It has been shown that text ads are more effective than image ads. . That’s the beauty of text ads, they blend so nicely with your content, your reader may really think it is another of your links.

2. Blend your ads. Take the time to use the color palate in Adsense to blend your ads with your current site style. Your users will thank you for this and so will your wallet. Take the time to make the ad link colors the same as your page’s.
3. Display only one ad block per page. Remember, without traffic there is no revenue. Your visitors are there for your content, not your ads. If you are running a blog, try to space out your ads between articles. CyberWyre inserts one Google ad every other article.
4. Remove unnecessary links from your page. Remember your visitors are there for your content, and you want them for their ad clicks. Any link to an external site is a potentially wasted ad click. Try to remove superfluous links and focus your visitors attention firstly to your content, and secondly on your ads.
5. Use channels to track your progress. Actively use Adsense’s channel feature to track different campaigns you may be running. Experiment and compare your results over time.
6. Put at least one ad block above the fold. “Above the fold” is the first portion of the website which is visible to the user, without needing to scroll.
7. Use section targeting. If your pages are very long and contain various different topics, Adsense sometimes has time determining which would be the correct ad to place on your page. Remember, we always want our visitors to see the most relevant ad to what they are currently reading. Use section targeting to divide the different topics on your page. As an example, section targeting could be used to partition off different blog articles on a home page.
8. Use Google’s Heat Map. Read through Google’s article on their heat map and try to follow by example. They know their own stuff best.
9. Use high paying keywords. If possible, use high paying keywords in your site. If there happens to be one portion of your site which is focused on a high paying keyword, refer to tip #7 and apply section targeting around that area.
10. Increase your traffic. Adsense is a numbers game. Simply put, more traffic equals more money.
1. Use text ads only. It has been shown that text ads are more effective than image ads. . That’s the beauty of text ads, they blend so nicely with your content, your reader may really think it is another of your links.

2. Blend your ads. Take the time to use the color palate in Adsense to blend your ads with your current site style. Your users will thank you for this and so will your wallet. Take the time to make the ad link colors the same as your page’s.
3. Display only one ad block per page. Remember, without traffic there is no revenue. Your visitors are there for your content, not your ads. If you are running a blog, try to space out your ads between articles. CyberWyre inserts one Google ad every other article.
4. Remove unnecessary links from your page. Remember your visitors are there for your content, and you want them for their ad clicks. Any link to an external site is a potentially wasted ad click. Try to remove superfluous links and focus your visitors attention firstly to your content, and secondly on your ads.
5. Use channels to track your progress. Actively use Adsense’s channel feature to track different campaigns you may be running. Experiment and compare your results over time.
6. Put at least one ad block above the fold. “Above the fold” is the first portion of the website which is visible to the user, without needing to scroll.
7. Use section targeting. If your pages are very long and contain various different topics, Adsense sometimes has time determining which would be the correct ad to place on your page. Remember, we always want our visitors to see the most relevant ad to what they are currently reading. Use section targeting to divide the different topics on your page. As an example, section targeting could be used to partition off different blog articles on a home page.
8. Use Google’s Heat Map. Read through Google’s article on their heat map and try to follow by example. They know their own stuff best.
9. Use high paying keywords. If possible, use high paying keywords in your site. If there happens to be one portion of your site which is focused on a high paying keyword, refer to tip #7 and apply section targeting around that area.
10. Increase your traffic. Adsense is a numbers game. Simply put, more traffic equals more money.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Data Mining using Google IV
Putting it all Together:
Now it’s time to start to get creative with our search terms and really narrow down our results. Now that we have the basics, let’s start to combine them all into one search term.
Example #1: Search for some MP3sLet’s say you’re a Beatles fan and want to see if you can find some of their songs on the Internet without using Kazaa, etc. Try this query:
"index of" + "mp3″ + "beatles" -html -htm -phpor you could try this query:* "index of/mp3″ -playlist -html -lyrics beatles
Right away on the first few results returned by Google you can download MP3s.
Example #2: Mixing some techniques together
Here’s a simple exercise. We’ll mix around a few terms to get more accurate results. Let’s say we want to research sleep recommendations. One assumption could be that research papers on this topic would most likely be on an educational website — perhaps with a .edu domain. We could try this query:
sleep recommendations site:edu
Maybe we’re in my situation, and am thinking of applying to grad school. Let’s see if we can find the Graduate Studies Admissions Requirements at the University of Toronto. We could try this query:
grad school admission requirements
After reading this article, you might be thinking "well, I could probably find those results without remembering these advanced search terms". Well, the truth is that you probably could. The reason you want to start to use these advanced search tips is because they will help you find what you’re looking for faster. They greatly help narrow down the results, and more often than not, the information you were looking for will be in the first two or three results.
via cyberwyre
Now it’s time to start to get creative with our search terms and really narrow down our results. Now that we have the basics, let’s start to combine them all into one search term.
Example #1: Search for some MP3sLet’s say you’re a Beatles fan and want to see if you can find some of their songs on the Internet without using Kazaa, etc. Try this query:
"index of" + "mp3″ + "beatles" -html -htm -phpor you could try this query:* "index of/mp3″ -playlist -html -lyrics beatles
Right away on the first few results returned by Google you can download MP3s.
Example #2: Mixing some techniques together
Here’s a simple exercise. We’ll mix around a few terms to get more accurate results. Let’s say we want to research sleep recommendations. One assumption could be that research papers on this topic would most likely be on an educational website — perhaps with a .edu domain. We could try this query:
sleep recommendations site:edu
Maybe we’re in my situation, and am thinking of applying to grad school. Let’s see if we can find the Graduate Studies Admissions Requirements at the University of Toronto. We could try this query:
grad school admission requirements
After reading this article, you might be thinking "well, I could probably find those results without remembering these advanced search terms". Well, the truth is that you probably could. The reason you want to start to use these advanced search tips is because they will help you find what you’re looking for faster. They greatly help narrow down the results, and more often than not, the information you were looking for will be in the first two or three results.
via cyberwyre
Data Mining using Google III
General Tips: :This will search only pages which reside on this domain. This will display all pages which Google finds to be related to your URL This will display a list of all pages which Google has found to be linking to your site. Useful to see how popular your site is
spell:wordRuns a spell check on your word
define:wordReturns the definition of the word
stocks: [symbol, symbol, etc]Returns stock information. eg. stock: msft
maps:A shortcut to Google Maps
phone: name_hereAttempts to lookup the phone number for a given name
cache:If you include other words in the query, Google will highlight those words within the cached document. For instance, web will show the cached content with the word "web" highlighted.
info:The query [info:] will present some information that Google has about that web page. For instance, will show information about the CyberWyre homepage. Note there can be no space between the "info:" and the web page url.
weather:Used to find the weather in a particular city. eg. weather: new york
Advanced Tips:
filetype:Does a search for a specific file type, or, if you put a minus sign (-) in front of it, it won’t list any results with that filetype. Try it with .mp3, .mpg or .avi if you like.
daterange:Is supported in Julian date format only. 2452384 is an example of a Julian date.
allinurl:If you start a query with [allinurl:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the url. For instance, [allinurl: google search] will return only documents that have both "google" and "search" in the url.
inurl:If you include [inurl:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the url. For instance, [inurl:google search] will return documents that mention the word "google" in their url, and mention the word "search" anywhere in the document (url or no). Note there can be no space between the "inurl:" and the following word.
allintitle:If you start a query with [allintitle:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title. For instance, [allintitle: google search] will return only documents that have both "google" and "search" in the title.
intitle:If you include [intitle:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title. For instance, [intitle:google search] will return documents that mention the word "google" in their title, and mention the word "search" anywhere in the document (title or no). Note there can be no space between the "intitle:" and the following word.
allinlinks:Searches only within links, not text or title.
allintext:Searches only within text of pages, but not in the links or page title.
bphonebook:If you start your query with bphonebook:, Google shows U.S. business white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ bphonebook: google
mountain view ] will show the phonebook listing for Google in Mountain View.
phonebook:If you start your query with phonebook:, Google shows all U.S. white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ phonebook: Krispy Kreme Mountain View ] will show the phonebook listing of Krispy Kreme donut shops in Mountain View.
rphonebook:If you start your query with rphonebook:, Google shows U.S. residential white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ rphonebook: John Doe New York ] will show the phonebook listings for John Doe in New York (city or state). Abbreviations like [ rphonebook: John Doe NY ] generally also work.
via cyberwyre :This will search only pages which reside on this domain. This will display all pages which Google finds to be related to your URL This will display a list of all pages which Google has found to be linking to your site. Useful to see how popular your site is
spell:wordRuns a spell check on your word
define:wordReturns the definition of the word
stocks: [symbol, symbol, etc]Returns stock information. eg. stock: msft
maps:A shortcut to Google Maps
phone: name_hereAttempts to lookup the phone number for a given name
cache:If you include other words in the query, Google will highlight those words within the cached document. For instance, web will show the cached content with the word "web" highlighted.
info:The query [info:] will present some information that Google has about that web page. For instance, will show information about the CyberWyre homepage. Note there can be no space between the "info:" and the web page url.
weather:Used to find the weather in a particular city. eg. weather: new york
Advanced Tips:
filetype:Does a search for a specific file type, or, if you put a minus sign (-) in front of it, it won’t list any results with that filetype. Try it with .mp3, .mpg or .avi if you like.
daterange:Is supported in Julian date format only. 2452384 is an example of a Julian date.
allinurl:If you start a query with [allinurl:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the url. For instance, [allinurl: google search] will return only documents that have both "google" and "search" in the url.
inurl:If you include [inurl:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the url. For instance, [inurl:google search] will return documents that mention the word "google" in their url, and mention the word "search" anywhere in the document (url or no). Note there can be no space between the "inurl:" and the following word.
allintitle:If you start a query with [allintitle:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title. For instance, [allintitle: google search] will return only documents that have both "google" and "search" in the title.
intitle:If you include [intitle:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title. For instance, [intitle:google search] will return documents that mention the word "google" in their title, and mention the word "search" anywhere in the document (title or no). Note there can be no space between the "intitle:" and the following word.
allinlinks:Searches only within links, not text or title.
allintext:Searches only within text of pages, but not in the links or page title.
bphonebook:If you start your query with bphonebook:, Google shows U.S. business white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ bphonebook: google
mountain view ] will show the phonebook listing for Google in Mountain View.
phonebook:If you start your query with phonebook:, Google shows all U.S. white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ phonebook: Krispy Kreme Mountain View ] will show the phonebook listing of Krispy Kreme donut shops in Mountain View.
rphonebook:If you start your query with rphonebook:, Google shows U.S. residential white page listings for the query terms you specify. For example, [ rphonebook: John Doe New York ] will show the phonebook listings for John Doe in New York (city or state). Abbreviations like [ rphonebook: John Doe NY ] generally also work.
via cyberwyre
Data Mining using Google II
Basic Usage:
* Use quotation marks " " to locate an entire string. eg. "bill gates conference" will only return results with that exact string.
* Mark essential words with a + If a search term must contain certain words or phrases, mark it with a + symbol. eg: +"bill gates" conference will return all results containing "bill gates" but not necessarily those pertaining to a conference
* Negate unwanted words with a -You may wish to search for the term bass, pertaining to the fish and be returned a list of music links as well. To narrow down your search a bit more, try: bass -music. This will return all results with "bass" and NOT "music".
via cyberwyre
Data Mining using Google

Google (and many other search engines) has the ability not only to search on keywords, but also using a more “database-ish” query language to really narrow down your search results. Consequent post will highlight a summary of a few of the most useful lesser known features. Note: in the examples, replace with your own domain.
via cyberwyre
Friday, February 10, 2006
The treatment program for mesothelioma depends on many factors, including: the stage of the cancer, where the cancer is, how far the cancer has spread, how the cancer cells look under the microscope and the patient’s age and desires.
Interested in the treatment click here
The treatment program for mesothelioma depends on many factors, including: the stage of the cancer, where the cancer is, how far the cancer has spread, how the cancer cells look under the microscope and the patient’s age and desires.
Interested in the treatment click here
One of the most common symptoms of mesothelioma is a pleural effusion, or an accumulation of fluid between the parietal pleura (the pleura covering the chest wall and diaphragm) and the visceral pleura (the pleura covering the lungs). Both of these membranes are covered with mesothelial cells which, under normal conditions, produce a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant between the chest wall and the lung. Any excess fluid is absorbed by blood and lymph vessels maintaining a balance. When too much fluid forms, the result is an effusion.

Pleural effusion is broken down into two categories, transudates and exudates. A transudate is a clear fluid that forms not because the pleural surfaces are diseased, but because of an imbalance between the normal production and removal of the fluid. The most common cause of transudative fluid is congestive heart failure. An exudate, which is often cloudy and contains many cells and proteins, results from disease of the pleura itself, and is common to mesothelioma. To determine whether a fluid is a transudate or exudate, a diagnostic thoracentesis, in which a needle or catheter is used to obtain a fluid sample, may be conducted.
As the volume of fluid increases, shortness of breath, known as "dyspnea", and sometimes pain, ranging from mild to stabbing, may occur. Some patients may experience a dry cough. When the doctor listens to the patient’s chest with a stethoscope, normal breath sounds are muted, and tapping on the chest will reveal dull rather than hollow sounds.
Diagnosis of pleural effusion is usually accomplished with a simple chest x-ray, although CT scans or ultrasound may also be used. A special x-ray technique, called a lateral decubitus film, may be used to detect smaller effusions or to enable the physician to estimate of the amount of fluid present. If the underlying cause of the effusion is readily apparent (such as in the case of severe congestive heart failure), sampling of the fluid may not be necessary, however, because pleural effusion may be symptomatic of a number of disease processes from benign to malignant, a fluid sample is generally taken. Diagnostic thoracentesis, in which cells are extracted from the pleural cavity, is commonly done when the possibility of mesothelioma exists, however, in up to 85% of cases, the fluid tests negative or inconclusive even though cancer is present. It is ultimately a needle biopsy of the pleura (lining of the lung) or an open surgical biopsy which confirms a mesothelioma diagnosis.
Pleural effusion caused by heart failure or infection can usually be resolved by directing treatment at the cause, however, when testing has realized no diagnosis, and fluid continues to build or recur, doctors may recommend chest tube drainage and chemical pleurodesis. Chemical pleurodesis is a technique in which a sclerosing agent is used to abrade the pleural surfaces producing an adhesion between the parietal and visceral pleurae.
This will prevent further effusion by eliminating the pleural space. Talc appears to be the most effective agent for pleurodesis, with a success rate of nearly 95%. It is highly effective when administered by either poudrage or slurry. Poudrage is the most widely used method of instilling talc into the pleural space. Before spraying the talc, the medical team removes all pleural fluid to completely collapse the lung. After the talc is administered, they inspect the pleural cavity to be sure the talc has been evenly distributed over the pleural surface. Some doctors prefer to use talc mixed with saline solution which forms a wet slurry that can roll around the pleural cavity.
Pleural effusion is broken down into two categories, transudates and exudates. A transudate is a clear fluid that forms not because the pleural surfaces are diseased, but because of an imbalance between the normal production and removal of the fluid. The most common cause of transudative fluid is congestive heart failure. An exudate, which is often cloudy and contains many cells and proteins, results from disease of the pleura itself, and is common to mesothelioma. To determine whether a fluid is a transudate or exudate, a diagnostic thoracentesis, in which a needle or catheter is used to obtain a fluid sample, may be conducted.
As the volume of fluid increases, shortness of breath, known as "dyspnea", and sometimes pain, ranging from mild to stabbing, may occur. Some patients may experience a dry cough. When the doctor listens to the patient’s chest with a stethoscope, normal breath sounds are muted, and tapping on the chest will reveal dull rather than hollow sounds.
Diagnosis of pleural effusion is usually accomplished with a simple chest x-ray, although CT scans or ultrasound may also be used. A special x-ray technique, called a lateral decubitus film, may be used to detect smaller effusions or to enable the physician to estimate of the amount of fluid present. If the underlying cause of the effusion is readily apparent (such as in the case of severe congestive heart failure), sampling of the fluid may not be necessary, however, because pleural effusion may be symptomatic of a number of disease processes from benign to malignant, a fluid sample is generally taken. Diagnostic thoracentesis, in which cells are extracted from the pleural cavity, is commonly done when the possibility of mesothelioma exists, however, in up to 85% of cases, the fluid tests negative or inconclusive even though cancer is present. It is ultimately a needle biopsy of the pleura (lining of the lung) or an open surgical biopsy which confirms a mesothelioma diagnosis.
Pleural effusion caused by heart failure or infection can usually be resolved by directing treatment at the cause, however, when testing has realized no diagnosis, and fluid continues to build or recur, doctors may recommend chest tube drainage and chemical pleurodesis. Chemical pleurodesis is a technique in which a sclerosing agent is used to abrade the pleural surfaces producing an adhesion between the parietal and visceral pleurae.
This will prevent further effusion by eliminating the pleural space. Talc appears to be the most effective agent for pleurodesis, with a success rate of nearly 95%. It is highly effective when administered by either poudrage or slurry. Poudrage is the most widely used method of instilling talc into the pleural space. Before spraying the talc, the medical team removes all pleural fluid to completely collapse the lung. After the talc is administered, they inspect the pleural cavity to be sure the talc has been evenly distributed over the pleural surface. Some doctors prefer to use talc mixed with saline solution which forms a wet slurry that can roll around the pleural cavity.
What is Mesothelioma ?
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body’s internal organs. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. Many people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma subsequently get involved in a class action lawsuit against their former employer.

Yahoo adds Features to Firefox Toolbar
Yahoo Inc. on Thursday said it has added features to its toolbar for the latest version of the Firefox Web browser.

The Sunnyvale, Calif., portal said on its search blog that by using the right mouse button, toolbar users will be able to access Yahoo Search, Web mail, instant messaging or Yahoo's social networking site 360 degrees.
In addition, toolbar subscribers can use their mouse to save whatever page they're on to Yahoo's My Web personal portal or to Yahoo Bookmarks service.
Yahoo Toolbar 1.1 is available now for Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox 1.5.
On Wednesday, Yahoo unveiled new features for its My Web 2.0 personal portal, which is in beta. The homepage, for example, has been upgraded to provide immediate access to a person's three most recently saved Web pages, and the ability to search pages saved by everyone on the network.
In addition, Yahoo has added tools for inserting recently saved pages in blogs, and for placing a button on a page so others can save it directly into My Web.
via informationweek
The Sunnyvale, Calif., portal said on its search blog that by using the right mouse button, toolbar users will be able to access Yahoo Search, Web mail, instant messaging or Yahoo's social networking site 360 degrees.
In addition, toolbar subscribers can use their mouse to save whatever page they're on to Yahoo's My Web personal portal or to Yahoo Bookmarks service.
Yahoo Toolbar 1.1 is available now for Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox 1.5.
On Wednesday, Yahoo unveiled new features for its My Web 2.0 personal portal, which is in beta. The homepage, for example, has been upgraded to provide immediate access to a person's three most recently saved Web pages, and the ability to search pages saved by everyone on the network.
In addition, Yahoo has added tools for inserting recently saved pages in blogs, and for placing a button on a page so others can save it directly into My Web.
via informationweek
Yahoo Writer Jailed in China
Just some few hours ago, Internet portal Yahoo provided information about another of its members to the Chinese government, leading to the second such arrest uncovered in recent months, a journalist rights group charged on Thursday.
Reporters Without Borders said Li Zhi, a Yahoo customer and “cyberdissident,” received an eight-year prison sentence in December 2003 based on electronic records supplied by Yahoo.
The group claims 49 cyberdissidents and 32 journalists are currently in prison in China for posting articles and criticism of the authorities on the Internet. It believes that the identities of many of these people were revealed by companies like Yahoo.
The group believes that Yahoo is bending it's rules to fit the communist regime.
Shares of Yahoo fell $0.33 to $32.67 in recent trading.
Yahoo spokesperson Mary Osako, in their defense,pointed out that Yahoo’s Chinese partner, Alibaba, has been managing all the operational and compliance policies for Yahoo’s China business since October 2005.
In cases prior to that time, she said that Yahoo was not aware of why the Chinese government was seeking information. “As in most jurisdictions, including the U.S., governments are not required to inform service providers about why they are seeking information,” said Ms. Osako.
“We would not know if a request had to do with murder, kidnapping, or a political request,” she added. “We only responded with what we were legally required to provide and nothing more. We are rigorous in our procedures and made sure that only the required material was provided.”
via RedHerring
Reporters Without Borders said Li Zhi, a Yahoo customer and “cyberdissident,” received an eight-year prison sentence in December 2003 based on electronic records supplied by Yahoo.
The group claims 49 cyberdissidents and 32 journalists are currently in prison in China for posting articles and criticism of the authorities on the Internet. It believes that the identities of many of these people were revealed by companies like Yahoo.
The group believes that Yahoo is bending it's rules to fit the communist regime.
Shares of Yahoo fell $0.33 to $32.67 in recent trading.
Yahoo spokesperson Mary Osako, in their defense,pointed out that Yahoo’s Chinese partner, Alibaba, has been managing all the operational and compliance policies for Yahoo’s China business since October 2005.
In cases prior to that time, she said that Yahoo was not aware of why the Chinese government was seeking information. “As in most jurisdictions, including the U.S., governments are not required to inform service providers about why they are seeking information,” said Ms. Osako.
“We would not know if a request had to do with murder, kidnapping, or a political request,” she added. “We only responded with what we were legally required to provide and nothing more. We are rigorous in our procedures and made sure that only the required material was provided.”
via RedHerring
Thursday, February 09, 2006
New to iPod Casting?

Podcasting is a way to receive audio files over the Internet. Many content providers, including CNN, offer podcast feeds at no cost. These feeds deliver audio broadcasts to your desktop. You can listen to these files on your computer or load them on to your MP3 player and take them with you.
All you need to get started is podcasting software. Once you download and install the software, simply add one of CNN's podcast feeds. The podcasting software will automatically check for updates and download the files to your computer so you can load them onto your MP3 player.
Get great rates on your mobile
Hi folks, been a while I dropped a post here, but don't worry I was just hunting cash opportunities online...
As usual, i came across one I think might be worthy of note here. It's about free calls and sms and msn messenger all on your mobile phone to anywhere on planetr earth. Now, I think you should check it out.
And to get even more free talk and text, simply refer your friends to mig33. To refer your friend, go to mig33 and simply select 'Send-2-Friend' from the Menu tab. And they'll do the rest. NOW THATS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, i came across one I think might be worthy of note here. It's about free calls and sms and msn messenger all on your mobile phone to anywhere on planetr earth. Now, I think you should check it out.
And to get even more free talk and text, simply refer your friends to mig33. To refer your friend, go to mig33 and simply select 'Send-2-Friend' from the Menu tab. And they'll do the rest. NOW THATS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 03, 2006
FREE Grants From $500 - $500,000
What a paradox. I never knew such things existed until now. There are FREE Government Grants From $500 - $500,000 Being Given Away - Many of us don't realize that the U.S. Government and literally thousands of private foundations will distribute over $300 Billion to individuals and small business for any reasonable need.
This grant money requires no special qualifications, no repayment, no collateral, no credit checks, is non-taxable and is available to you NOW!
The website is Grant Doctors provides you with all the information you need in order to obtain Government Grants, Small Business Grants, Minority Grants, Education Grants, Housing Grants, etc. Grant Doctors provides you with all the information you need in order to obtain Government Grants, Small Business Grants, Minority Grants, Education Grants, Housing Grants, etc.
$ Different types of government grants available through state and Federal agencies.
$ Number of different agencies you are able to apply with.
$ How to put together a grant proposal?
$ How to write a government grant proposal.
$ How to fill out applications for government grants
$ How to put together a perfectly written business plan.
$ How to receive no interest and low interest Government Loans
All this and many more at the website. I believe it's worth the click.

The website is Grant Doctors provides you with all the information you need in order to obtain Government Grants, Small Business Grants, Minority Grants, Education Grants, Housing Grants, etc. Grant Doctors provides you with all the information you need in order to obtain Government Grants, Small Business Grants, Minority Grants, Education Grants, Housing Grants, etc.

$ Number of different agencies you are able to apply with.
$ How to put together a grant proposal?
$ How to write a government grant proposal.
$ How to fill out applications for government grants
$ How to put together a perfectly written business plan.
$ How to receive no interest and low interest Government Loans
All this and many more at the website. I believe it's worth the click.